Family Coaching Perth WA

Skye bairstow Master nlp practitioner
For a long time, I thought there was awesome in me;

then I would notice someone that I deemed better than me. They were kinder, calmer, fitter, more organised … and that awesomeness would turn to doubt, drive to be better, do better, or self-pity, that I wasn’t good enough. I realised I was only valuable in my own mind when I felt better than someone else. My self-love, self-worth was dependent. It was always compared never unconditional. I was either up or down. Even when I was up it didn’t feel right because it was by judgment of someone else. To feel good to the detriment of someone else was false. It was always taking.

There had to be a shift.

To create love, to create energy from within, and to give. I had been sailing along without a rudder. Once I started to see the true awesomeness in myself, I could see the amazing that is everywhere and in everyone. And funnily enough, when you raise your energy the world gives you everything that is in alignment with the good you are creating.

And so my journey continues.

Now I live to learn and grow.

I absolutely love sharing the knowledge I am so blessed to discover with my family and the families I work with. So we can all find our awesome, our amazing and to raise children that create energy and love and personal power, acceptance, understanding, and love for themselves and everyone.

If you want different outcomes for your day to day life and future you can. 

Want to create a compelling future I’d love to help



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